"Offer sheets" are a way to define the different offers a business has. They are a powerful tool for all businesses, but especially those who provide non-physical services. Although e-commerce style businesses may be able to sell products individually, most business-to-business or service provider models require more than just a product, they are selling "offers": a collection of deliverables, features, and benefits for a set dollar amount under specific terms.

More than just a product like "coaching" or "consulting", an offer includes a clear outline of what the customer will receive in exchange for how much money, and under what circumstances.

Offers allow you to charge more and deliver better service than a single product or hourly offering might alone. 

Rather than thinking of your business as a collection of people and a brand solving a problem, if your job is to start bringing in more sales, we invite you to start thinking of your business as a collection of offers and the people and process it takes to sell and deliver that offer instead. Through such an exercise, we begin to unlock the essence of what makes your business so powerful. Dialing in on exactly what we sell, to whom, under what circumstances, in a way that we can repeat reliably.

Over years of trial and error, I've distilled the most crucial data points of effective offers into a collection MyMarketingPass calls the Offer Sheet. 

By specifying the specific data points of your offer, MyMarketingPass will be able to write, build, and deliver amazing content to support your system and help you take more strangers to become leads and more leads to becoming customers.

You can create many offer sheet's with your MyMarketingPass account day or night using your MyMarketingPass portal by selecting I Need Coaching -> Offers -> I Need a New Offer Worksheet...

In just several seconds, Sales Guy will create a new offer sheet for you, put it inside your MyMarketingPass Drive for easy access, and email you back with the link! (We know, he's the best, right?)

Your offer sheet will define the necessary basics needed to craft great marketing assets and copy. Once you have your offer sheet in hand, you'll have everything you need to go to work. SO let's talk about the different pieces of info it takes to create an irresistible offer - the kind that a qualified, motivated lead will snatch up in a heartbeat...  

All you'll need to do is give us the basics and from that, we'll be able to craft webpages, brochures, social media posts, blog posts, and more to help you drive the right traffic! Pretty amazing, right?  Let's get started with what's possibly the most important element, the offer name...

Read the next exciting part of the Offer Sheet development process here...