GIVING MyMarketingPass PARTNER ACCESS to your Facebook business page is easy! Just follow along with these instructions:

  • Log into

  • In the upper left of the screen, click the dropdown and click the gear icon next your business.

  • In the left sub-menu, click 'More Business Settings'

  • In the left menu, under Users, click on Partners

  • Click the blue ‘Add’ button and ‘Give partner access to your assets

  • Our partner ID is 461969417558909, enter that and click the blue button; you may want to copy/paste this into the Zoom chat to reduce the risk of human error.

  • Now you are going to share the necessary assets with us

  • Have them click the Pages on the left, select the Page(s) in the middle column, and then grant us the necessary permissions (ideally Admin).

  • Have them click on the Ad Accounts on the left, select the Ad Account(s) in the middle column, and then grant us the necessary permissions (ideally Admin).

  • Have them click on the Pixels (if available) on the left, select the Pixels(s) in the middle column, and then grant us the necessary permissions (ideally Admin).

  • Have them click the Instagram accounts on the left, select the account(s) in the middle column, and then grant us the necessary permissions (ideally Admin).

  • Now have them click ‘Save’.

 If you aren't seeing an option above, it's possible you don't have the necessary ownership or admin access. If you run into any trouble or have any questions, please don't hesitate to let us know. MyMarketingPass is always happy to help.