What is a "Call to Action" as it relates to your marketing content? 

A "Call to Action" can be any action you would like a qualified person to do immediately after consuming your marketing message. It's what you want your target to DO

The clearer the better, your Call to Action can be, but is not limited to:

  1. Click the Submit button

  2. Enter your credit card

  3. Sign up for a free tool

  4. Schedule now to talk to a coach

  5. Register for this webinar

  6. RSVP for my event

  7. Like this post

  8. Respond with your thoughts in the comments

  9. Subscribe to our page

  10. Call or text us at…(XXX)XXX-XXXX

  11. Share this on your social media feed

  12. Email me back. 

  13. Etc.

...Remember, your audience are likely not mind-readers! It's almost always best to instruct people clearly to their next step in the content with direct language if you want the best conversion results.

Lucky's Pro-Tip: Whether that be a landing page, social media post, article, blog post, flyer, or otherwise - your marketing content should usually have ONE call to action only! This keeps otherwise potentially qualified prospects from getting distracted or confused, which happens easier than you may think. Tell people exactly what you want them to do next. A clouded mind often makes no decision at all, so be clear with the action you want a consumer to take with clear next directions.